Tanuja Krishnan works as a Quality Auditor for US Health care in Hyderabad. She is a postgraduate in Biotechnology. Besides her profession, she is very passionate about writings and has authored three books from which ‘I met my love in Paris’ is her debut book.

She is even very enthusiastic about bikes and road trips which made her pen another book titled ‘Ride on Royal Enfield’. This book has brought her awards like “Author of the year-2019”, ‘Voice of Indian Literature’, and Inspiring author for 2020’.
She has a special interest in Formula-1 racing, which made her write another book titled ‘Friend and a Ferrari- A tribute to the formula one Legend’. This has been featured as ‘The best sellers of Amazon’.
Ravi: What’s your favorite short story?
Tanuja Krishnan: We all have an unknown personality in ourselves, it triggers only when we are mentally or emotionally imbalanced. To cut the long story short it is when our mind becomes our greatest enemy. This has been wonderfully penned by Preeti Shenoy in the book ‘Wake up Life is Calling, a sequel to ‘Life is What you make it’.
Ravi: The Best piece of writing advice?
Tanuja: Writing is a passionate skill that depends differently from person to person. Though I am still in a learning phase I can share a suggestion from my experiences, make your mind peaceful before you sit for writing down the manuscript.
Ravi: Where do you write?
Tanuja: Well this is a basic question everyone wants to know. Writing does not always depend on place or surroundings, I can write anywhere if I have a get a point that connects to the story, later I make it fair. I even have sticky notes and a pen under my pillow, I believe that sometimes our thoughts will be very pure and peaceful while we got to sleep, so if I take down the notes of my thoughts right then.
Ravi: Where do you get your ideas?
Tanuja: Simple, depends on my interest and experiences and even from what and how we dream to live. For example, I desperately love traveling especially Paris, so I have written my first book titled ‘I Met my love in Paris @26”, which has a collection of descriptions of many attractive places in Paris, same you can find many places in my three books.
Ravi: Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Tanuja: Depends on the content and depth of the story, sometimes I felt drained out to finish a few chapters in the middle of the story which required a lot of research and groundwork. And after finishing the manuscript it seems like I have been boosted up with full energy.
Ravi: How long on average does it take you to write a book?
Tanuja: It cannot be calculated and once again it depends on the depth of the story you want to write, to be honest, I have finished my first book in three months, the second book in six months and the third book in just 29 days.
Ravi: What is your favorite childhood book?
Tanuja: The Hound of the Baskervilles, is not only mine but most of us liked it in our schoolings.
Ravi: What are your favorite literary journals?
Tanuja: I regularly follow Readers digest.
Ravi: What one thing would you give up to become a better writer?
Tanuja: The one thing I hate about myself is delaying finishing the script.
Ravi: What was your hardest scene to write?
Tanuja: Emotional scenes.
Ravi: Do you Google yourself?
Tanuja: very rarely.
Ravi: Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Tanuja: Not secrets but there a very few things which only a few people who are close to me can find out.
Ravi: Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
Tanuja: Yes. Good or bad I’m very happy for both because someone spent their time to read my book.
Ravi: Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction?
Tanuja: Agatha Christie’s books. Can take fictional characterizations to the next different level.
Ravi: What did you edit out of this book?
Tanuja: Friend and a Ferrari- I wanted this book to be a more straight forward approach to the readers hence I had to remove typical vocabulary and made it simple.
Ravi: How many hours a day do you write?
Tanuja: Once I start with the script, I write daily at least an hour.
Ravi: What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
Tanuja: It is depending on the script you have chosen.
Ravi: What’s the best way to market your books?
Tanuja: Social media- It’s a big Digital Marketing
Ravi: How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?
Tanuja: None so like, I have written and published three books.
Ravi: How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
Tanuja: My writing style has not been changed but there is a lot of improvement in many areas.
Ravi: What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
Tanuja: As of now I have only one Author friend Vineet Gera who is a Mentor, Author Coach, Trainer, and Publisher at Gurucool Publishing. He guides me to make my draft come out in a beautiful way.
Ravi: Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
Tanuja: Adding some stuff that readers want by being my own piece. All I want is to find my books in a reader’s hands
Ravi: What advice do you have for writers?
Tanuja: Write Simple. Create your own style of writing.
Ravi: Tell me about your recent book to our Ravi Reads Blog Readers?
Tanuja: My Latest Book Friend and a Ferrari - A tribute to the Formula one legend “Niki Lauda”
Is your childhood friend still your best friend??
"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart" -Elisabeth Foley.
Ridhima a twenty-eight-year-old proved that the "Broken girls blossom into warriors", by entering into the first-ever woman Formula One Race, in this so-called real world. Being lonely was never an issue for her but her life has become very challenging when her husband Suhas gave up with her. Nonetheless, she never gave up on her passion. Her childhood friend Sara played a vital role in her success, she was like a pillar of support for her in every step. Her eyes are eagerly waiting to see her friend Ridhima lifting the Brazilian Grand Prix Trophy. Is this going to be that much easy?
When Abhay Ram, a young talented game developer, once comes to interview her, he is completely drawn into her world, to, his own surprise he realized that he fell for her again but he knew that the relationship between them cannot be worked out due to her past. Does he give up on her? Will she accept, if he expresses his feelings to her? It’s a big puzzle for him.
Love strikes us at a very peak time. So will the time bind them together? A Spine-chilling tale of rushing formula one racer, and a selfless friendship, which will not only make you fall for a car race, but it makes you believe in friendship once again like you never knew it before.
To know more about Tanuja's Friend and a Ferrari Check out this link
Thanks to Tanuja Krishnan for agreeing to this interview! If you know of an author who’d like to be featured in an interview (or you are an author who would like to be featured), feel free to email me at the address on my contact page.