About Ravi
A young, passionate and enthusiastic digital marketing professional with special interest in the field of Counseling Psychology
Ravi is an Indian Book of Records holder,for participating in the Largest Counseling and Psychological First-Aid session for students and an Asian Book of Records holder, for participating in the Largest Mental Health Peer-Counseling Session for Women
An avid reader, founder and editor at ravireads.com., Ravi is on a mission to interview 1000+ authors, get an insight about their journeys and identify their challenges, provide solutions to address the same
According to Ravi, every Book has an Emotion. Keeping this in mind,Ravi has been working with various book publishing authors and has been providing consultation with respect to effective ways of reaching the target audience and to convey the right message to the right people.
The real secret to build a lasting author platform is to connect. Being an independent consultant,Ravi has been helping authors achieve personal and professional success The goal of ravireads.com is to connect every author to their readers and target audience, by focusing on unlocking their needs and desires.
Best way to reach me is ravireadss@gmail.com